Month: May 2017

Broken Fragments in the Potter’s Hands

When I was in high school, my dad decided he wanted to teach me something new. He was an art teacher. I wasn’t very artistic. I dabbled in writing and poetry from time to time, but really, aside from basketball, I wasn’t great with my hands. He felt that my athleticism and hand-eye coordination might combine for […] Read more…

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Mermaid Complex – The Grass Isn’t Greener

The grass isn’t greener, it’s just different.   I don’t think this comes as much of a surprise, but I love The Little Mermaid. I love it more than any grown woman should. I watched it so much as a child, that I can still recite every line of the film as I’m watching it.  […] Read more…

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Cake Batter Pudding

cake batter pudding

Our oldest daughter turns 8 next Wednesday! And while she enjoys her special day in school with her classmates, I will be making this easy treat for later! There was a time when I had all of my babies home with me. I even homeschooled the older two their first 2 years of school. Birthdays […] Read more…

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Pocket Princess, Ariel, The Little Mermaid

pocket princess Ariel

My very favorite Disney princess of all-time is Ariel. Who’s shocked?! I mean, I planned a whole month of mermaid patterns, so…keep up. 😉 I couldn’t let the month go by without making a Pocket Princess Ariel, now could I? You might be wondering, how could I make a mermaid not in mermaid form? Well, for […] Read more…

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Good Enough, Momma – Mothers, You ARE Enough

Mothers, you are enough On the heels of Mother’s Day, when life returns to the chaotic normal of to-do lists and “what’s for dinner?” I have a message for all you mothers out there.  As a mother, I think I sometimes (often) have unrealistic expectations of myself. I make myself feel guilty because I’m not […] Read more…

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The Joy of Defeat

The Joy of Defeat   Have you ever learned anything from winning? What do you gain when things always workout for you? What knowledge do you acquire from things always going your way?  Don’t get me wrong. There is something wonderfully fantastic about winning. There is something delightful in things always going our way, or […] Read more…

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