Month: July 2017

Act in Love – Not Only in Words

Hold your tongue. Watch your mouth.   If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.   These are things we heard all the time as children, and likely, if you are a parent as I am, you are now saying them every day yourself.  We often hear a lot about […] Read more…

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Lightsaber Pencil Case

Every year, summers seem to go by faster and faster, so I have no hesitation with beginning the preparation for back to school in July! We may not start until September up here, but I know many of you begin even sooner. Now you can send your Star Wars fan off to school with a […] Read more…

A Weary Spirit

Can I have an honest moment with you? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed, so burnt out, that even the ice cream isle taunts you with stressful decisions? That was me last week. Friday, I paced the ice cream isle for almost 10 minutes. I nearly burst into tears because I couldn’t decide just how I […] Read more…

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Best Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry picking season is upon us, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t do something about that! Blueberry muffins are a fun breakfast treat in this house, and for years I just bounced around the internet, trying various recipes available. I discovered that they were all delicious. It’s really hard to screw up blueberry muffins. […] Read more…

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Spread Love Like Fire

Picture this, if you will; a large field of dry brush, in a drought. It is lacking nutrients, attention, and care. It is hurting and dying, ripe for a forest fire. Now imagine this is our world. These are our people. ​You don’t actually have to imagine it. There are people all around us suffering, hurting, in […] Read more…

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Forgive Anyway

People are imperfect. We just are. People will hurt you. Some might hurt you intentionally, without remorse. Some might hurt you unintentionally, over and over, unaware or oblivious of the consequences of their actions. Some of those same people just plain and simply cannot emotionally handle the responsibility of your pain. What do I mean by […] Read more…

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