Month: March 2018

Mere Mortals

Have you ever wondered why an all-powerful God who can do anything He wants, chooses imperfect people to do His will, instead of just doing things Himself? I know I have. I have prayed, and wondered why; why Moses? Why David? Why Saul? The list goes on and on throughout the Bible, of men and […] Read more…

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He Knows Your Name

Last Sunday, I had to stay home from church with our oldest daughter because she had a really horrible cough. We listened to a T.D. Jakes sermon on TV, and afterwards, she really wanted to watch Moana. We have seen this movie at least a dozen times since it first hit Netflix. While there are […] Read more…

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Basketball Hoop Blanket

Did you know that March is the most exciting time of the year for basketball? It’s March Madness, when all of the best of the best college basketball teams face off to find a national champion. It is amateur athletics at it’s finest. Coincidentally, March is also national crochet month! What?! My two favorite things […] Read more…

Come As You Are

One of my favorite things about our church is that they welcome people, open arms, “Come as you are,” and they mean it. There is no unspoken rule about how one should dress, behave, or feel, walking into our church. There is no membership rule about how long you should be in attendance to receive communion, or dedicate […] Read more…

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Unicorn Sugar Cookie

Last month, for my youngest daughter’s third birthday, I decided to alleviate some of the stress of the food prep. For the first time in all my birthday party planning years, I ordered cookies! It is kind of a nerve wracking experience, ordering a food online. The timing has to be perfect in order for […] Read more…

But First Pray

Have you ever had a disagreement in which there was just absolutely no way of reaching a resolution? How did you go about handling that? I will be honest. My first instinct it to continue to try to explain my side (or whatever side I feel is misunderstood or misrepresented). It often turns into beating […] Read more…

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