Month: April 2018


I often find bits of Christian wisdom and inspiration in some very unlikely places. Most recently, this has come from one of the most unlikely places, and one that might offend many Christians. I recently read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. *gasp* My oldest child showed an interest in the books, and while there are many groups […] Read more…

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A Faith We Didn’t Know We Had

We practice faith and trust every single day of our lives. We strap ourselves into large, hollow pieces of metal, on wheels, and have faith that those painted yellow lines down the center of the road will ward off collisions. Likewise, we strap ourselves into practically futile safety belts in a giant piece of metal […] Read more…

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Mama and Baby Manatees

When I was in the third grade, I first learned all about manatees. My third grade teacher got our whole class involved in a cause, Save the Manatee Club. We produced a video for a competition that they had, where a friend of mine and I wrote and performed a rap song about saving the […] Read more…

The Homesick Soul

I have found that one of the most difficult things for me to recognize in my life, is the obvious need of Jesus. Of course I know I need Him every day, but honest moment here; sometimes that is easier in theory than in application.  As much as I love Jesus, and as much as […] Read more…

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Jesus vs. Karma

The idea of karma, I’ve noticed, seems to be widely accepted in our culture today. Christians and non-Christians alike will resort to posting quotes about karma on social media when they feel they’ve been wronged by someone they knew, trusted, or even loved. Many will even point to references in the Bible, claiming that even […] Read more…

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