Month: July 2018


Over the years I have really grown to hate this word; hypocrite.  What does it mean to be a hypocrite? Who qualifies as a hypocrite? What are our hang ups when it comes to hypocrites in the church? Why do we so quickly point fingers at others to call them this, without acknowledging our own hypocrisy? The very […] Read more…

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Heart’s Desire

When I began 2 weeks ago with Marvel at the Maker, I didn’t know I would be doing a whole three-part series on being thankful, yet here we are! Last week we discussed what it means to have a grateful heart; being thankful for what God has already provided, no matter what else we might […] Read more…

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Grateful Heart

Last week we discussed our inability to appreciate God’s gifts when they are right in front of our faces. My point last week was about His creations, and how we take for granted the extraordinary beauty of this universe He created for us.  Similarly, we often live our lives, oblivious of His daily blessings. We often […] Read more…

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Marvel at the Maker

I missed you guys last week! I’m very sorry that I didn’t have a Monday Message ready for you, but we had a lot going on in preparation of our vacation, and family time took precedence. As we have just returned from vacation, and are trying to get our lives back in order, I have a very […] Read more…

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