Month: September 2018

Go, and Fear Not

Recently I began two different devotionals on my YouVersion App. They are each about completely different topics, which I feel hold constant relevance in my life. One covers the impact of evangelism, and the other talks about fear. As a woman of faith, I’d like to tell you that these two don’t intersect at all, […] Read more…

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Put Love into Practice

Last week, we talked about what it could mean to practice the wrong things; how practicing something the wrong way over and over again, does not lead to perfection. I hope that you took my call to action and applied it, and this week, I’d like to talk a little about what we should  be practicing. […] Read more…

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Practice Does NOT Make Perfect

When I was growing up, my dad had a strongly opinionated stance against the phrase, practice makes perfect. He talked about it in teaching and in coaching, and he often used me as an example.  See, he believed that this phrase was inherently false, because if you practice something incorrectly hundreds of times, the result is […] Read more…

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