Month: October 2018

Under Construction

I did not want to write this message. I don’t mean this particular message. I just mean that I didn’t want to write one at all. I didn’t want to be bothered. I didn’t have a message in mind. I’m exhausted. I’ve been battling an infection for two weeks. The weather has turned miserably cold and […] Read more…

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House Upon the Rock

Bad things happen. Period. ​There are no disqualifiers here. They don’t just happen to good people. They don’t avoid bad people. They just happen. They happen because we live in an imperfect world. They happen because this is not Heaven. This is not our permanent home. Imagine if bad things didn’t happen at all, ever. How would […] Read more…

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Defeating the Defeatist

I woke up this morning with the same line of a song playing over and over in my head. It’s a gospel song I’ve heard a handful of times over the years, and it was never really one of my favorites. It’s a good song, but some songs you just really feel, if you know […] Read more…

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God’s M&Ms

Our youngest daughter is less than 3 months away from turning 4 years old, and up until last week, we could not get her to use the toilet. There were none of the tell tale signs of being ready for potty training; no dry morning or post nap diapers, no warning signals as she was about to […] Read more…

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Make Room for Grace

You’re driving along at about 72 mph in a 65 mph zone. You figure, not so slow that you’re getting passed frequently, or drifting below the speed limit, but not so high as to risk getting pulled over with a high fine. Right? Don’t lie. You’ve had this same thought process.  A car flies by […] Read more…

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Practice Prayer

It was about 8 or 9 years ago. I was sitting at my computer, and, in what used to be the trend of posting to Facebook in the third person, my friend’s Facebook status read, “Jenna* is dead.” I woke up in a panic. It was still dark, very early morning, and I paused to listen. […] Read more…

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