Month: January 2019

Share the Road

I talk about loving people, a lot. Not because I’m super good at it, but because I believe it was the most important commandment from Jesus. He spoke of it often, and called us to love everyone, no matter what. But just because Jesus said so, doesn’t make it easy. I fail at this often. Not […] Read more…

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Everything in Love

When I think about people in our nation’s history, who truly lived out their faith, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the first to come to mind. He believed firmly in nonviolence and in love. He spoke of it often, and he lived it out in his every day life.  Today, as we honor him, […] Read more…

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A Change of Heart

Last week I talked about personal growth during this month, which is arguably the most self-centered month of the year. I do not necessarily mean that in a negative light, but January is a time of year when people are trying to better themselves. They are shifting the focus from the selfless giving of December, […] Read more…

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Maker Empowered

New year, new me. That’s what they say, right? This is a phrase that almost always refers to a persons outward appearance. Sure, there is the occasional new year’s resolution that involves the changing of behavior, actions, or habits (often still for the sake of losing weight), but most often, people focus on their physical […] Read more…

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