Month: February 2019

Out With the Old

Have you ever noticed that we rely on ourselves for far too much? When we want to change something about ourselves; our diet, our attitude, our habits, we tend to think that we need to do it ourselves. I have even heard some people say that they wanted to know more about Jesus, but felt […] Read more…

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God of the Mundane

I am a creature of habit. So much so that I’ve found dieting to be most successful for me if I plan to eat nearly the same things every single day. As a stay at home mom of 4, I have always lived or died by routine. When all of my children were home, and […] Read more…

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Know Your Enemy

I tend to see things differently than most people. I have an inquisitive mind which often asks, “What happened that the camera is not showing?” Or, “What made this person react the way that they did?” People who do not know me or cannot understand me, often accuse me of making excuses for people, or […] Read more…

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Zigs and Zags

Are you a planner? Do you have an organized journal or calendar for planning? Do you make lists of the things you need to get done, day to day, week to week, month to month? Do you plan out quarterly or yearly goals?  I am a wanna-be planner. I pretend to be more organized than […] Read more…

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