Month: October 2020

Bat Hand Puppet

bat hand puppet

First featured on The Hook Nook Life Blog, this bat hand puppet has been a hit with the Halloween crowd! But can I tell you a secret? Halloween…well…it kind of scares him. He’s not used to so many people out and about during the night, especially children, and they are very noisy creatures, those children. […] Read more…

Sloth Hand Puppet

sloth hand puppet

Today is International Sloth Day! Who knew such a thing even existed?! Ever since releasing my Sloth Fleece Loveys, I’ve enjoyed learning more about sloths, from their habitats, to their personalities and characteristics. They are such a fun animal, and a great reminder that is is important to move at your own pace. Today, I […] Read more…

Birthday Girl Doll

birthday girl doll

This birthday girl doll could be a big sister doll to the Bernat baby doll, or (and I think this is my preferred option) a older version of the baby doll! How fun would it be to make the baby as a baby gift, and then the birthday girl doll for baby’s 1st birthday?! When I […] Read more…