For me, it was more than that. I have always been able to find a word from God, often within very secular songs or movies, never intending to minister, but I realized today that this must have begun at a very young age. With the vivid imagination of a child, who lived in a rural area where MTV was not a cable option, I had created an elaborate imagery in my brain, to this song, and it often played like a music video in my head as I would listen to the lyrics.
and learn to fly again
learn to live so free.
When we hear the voices sing
the book of love will open up and let us in.
Take these broken wings.
Someone with the gift of interpretation, might be able to discern what God was possibly trying to show me at a very young age. I cannot pretend to know in full. But I will tell you, that as an adult, this song still does not play out for me as the writers intended; as a tragic lost love between two people. Listening to this song and remembering the imagery from my 4 year old self, I get an overwhelming feeling of restoration.

What if we sought Him earnestly? He promises to restore our hearts, but listen, that does not mean restoration as our worldly brains might think of it. The transition is not about perfecting our lives or our circumstances. He promises to restore our hearts. It is an inward change with an outward transformation. In doing this, our perspective will transform our circumstances. We will no longer be looking at our lives from a viewpoint of broken hopelessness. No, we will be soaring, with healing and restoration, with a completely transforming vantage point. We will see our circumstances with a life-giving hopefulness which only comes from allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our lives.
We have to learn to fly again; learn to live so free. There is freedom in the transformation of the Holy Spirit. There is freedom in God’s Book of Love. Allow yourself to be transformed!