Crochet Patterns

Lizard Hand Puppet, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Puppet

lizard hand puppet

The Lizard Hand Puppet is the first hand puppet I have done that is not in my normal front facing style! After looking at the picture from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for some time, I came to the conclusion that Bill (as that is the lizard’s name) needed to truly look like a lizard, with his […] Read more…

White Rabbit Hand Puppet, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

White Rabbit Hand Puppet

No worries about being late here! The White Rabbit Hand Puppet pattern is next in our Read Across America Crochet-a-Long. As we explore the characters of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the White Rabbit is easily one of the most intriguing. Is there anything so remarkable? “There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think […] Read more…

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland CAL Supply List, Read Across America 2023

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland CAL

Read Across America Crochet-a-Long Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland CAL Across begins this week!! Are you ready? I have been working on these puppets since my Christmas break, and I am so excited to begin sharing them with you! These puppets are inspired by the originally book,  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll; illustrated by […] Read more…