“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” ~ Charles Dickens When I was a young child, perhaps too young to be having such profound thoughts, I remember thinking how odd it was that I was me, and that no one else ever […] Read more…
Battling Storms
A couple weeks ago, when we were praying for Texas, and those in the path of Hurricane Harvey, my children asked me, “Mommy, why did God even create hurricanes?” It was one of those questions that causes most parents to stutter around until the children forget what they were asking; the kind of question that […] Read more…
Blessed in Labor – God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
When I was growing up, my dad had a saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” Since the age of the internet, or more accurately, the age of angry, offended bloggers, has occurred, this saying has made countless lists of “things Christians should never say,” and “things that aren’t actually in the Bible,” etc, etc. […] Read more…
Praise Enthusiastically
This summer is almost over, and it has been a whirlwind of injuries, sickness, and chaos. We missed more church than we attended due to these things, and then, if I’m being honest, I was almost intentionally late to the services we did attend. Why? It’s not like it’s a good reason. It’s definitely an excuse, but the […] Read more…
The College Experience
This weekend we went to a wedding of an old college teammate and roommate of mine, and it evoked all the emotions. The whole way home I thought about these friendships, these girls that I only really knew for four years; such a short time in the grand scheme! In the literal sense, these were not […] Read more…
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Mr. Rogers once said that when he was a boy, and he would see scary things on the news, his father would always point out the positive, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Life is scary sometimes. Life is painful sometimes, and […] Read more…