A few weeks ago, we were preparing for an ice storm. It was supposed to be significant, and we were supposed lose power. I didn’t realize how much of our preparing was being absorbed by our 3-year old daughter until she became very scared of this “ice cream storm,” as I will now and forever refer to them, because that makes it sound so much more fun.
It never amounted to much, and we never lost power, but then last week, we were again talking in front of sweet Charlotte about a thunder storm we were expecting. She became extra concerned and so distraught that she couldn’t seem to eat her dinner. She was afraid that this storm would enter our home. In an effort to calm her, my husband told her, “Storms don’t have thumbs. They can’t open our door.” This seemed to work. She repeated this several times, as if trying to soothe herself.
“But storms have ears!” she exclaimed, as though that was fact, and a good indicator of the severity of the storm. She became very upset again.
My husband quickly said, “Charlotte, can you open the door with your ears? After dinner, I want you to try to open the door with your ear, and see if it opens.”
She thought about this very seriously for a minute, and then agreed that ears can’t open doors. Then, upon her own realization, she proclaimed, “But God stole the storms! God steals the storms from us!”

Not every day, but some days, when I put Charlotte down for her nap, she still talks about the storm, she acts scared, as though she does not want to be left alone, and then she asks one simple question, “Mommy, can you pray to Jesus for me?”
In a very simple prayer, asking God to take away her fear, and keep her safe, she smiles, says, “Thank you, Jesus,” and closes her eyes.
That is a child-like faith. That is the faith we are capable of if we simply allow God to take our storms. And what He replaces it with, is far greater than anything we could imagine…
Wonderful piece! That is my hope to have that child-like faith in God to take away our storms. It’s interesting because it reminds me of Easter when I decided to accept Jesus into my life and that is when I felt this wonderful peace inside me. I had to ask a friend and she said, that’s God taking away your worries. She said if I give my worries to God, then he will give me this peace in return. God is amazing!
Colleen, I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this comment! That is beautiful! God is so amazing! We need only receive Him! Thank you for sharing that with me!
Hi i’m here putting my 1yr fourth child to sleep and i was reading you blog…omg you , i am kinda you. I have four children , wife, struggling to create an at home business and also establish my faith love relationship with god and saying, asking , pleading how does one do this a remain sane? How can i get it done and really be happy or rather filled with joy! Oh i forgot to add i also crochet self- taught … trying to make pieces to sell but phew!!! I wish i could talk to you personally… but thank you!! Thank you!!!! Thank you!! You’ve given me hope it can be done … with god all things are possible!!!
Jeannette, it sounds like we have so much in common! You are more than welcome to talk with me more, if you’d like to e-mail me! ekaygcrafts@gmail.com
I will tell you that my oldest is now 3, and the blogging/crochet/working from home has gotten slightly easier. I think my business was at a complete stand still when she was 1!! 🙂