Month: December 2017

Gingerbread Hot Cocoa Cookies

gingerbread hot cocoa cookies

Y’all, these gingerbread hot cocoa cookies are seriously some of the best I have ever made. This is not an exaggeration! They are like soft ginger snaps, meet chocolate chip, meet hot cocoa, and, unlike any other cookie I have ever made in my life, they are better the next day! I almost couldn’t even believe […] Read more…

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Gingerbread Hot Cocoa

gingerbread hot cocoa

In our house, this delicious gingerbread hot cocoa is simply called Hot Cocoa, because this is just the way I’ve made it for years. However, it has a very distinct gingerbread flavor, which deserves to be part of the title!  My children request this hot cocoa every year, with the first snowfall. It’s like clockwork. […] Read more…

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In our house, toddler is a verb. Toddler-ing means throwing ones self in an inexplicable rage, sometimes in silent refusal, but often with wailing and flailing. My almost 3-year-old is great at toddler-ing. She toddlers better than any of our other children did, combined. She will throw a complete tantrum when asked to do something she doesn’t […] Read more…

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Naughty or Nice

I have always been really conflicted about Santa, and his naughty or nice lists. Like most topics of differing opinions, I am on the fence, looking out at both sides, with an equal understanding. On one hand, it is this really creatively magical time of the year, that fosters a wonderful imagination in young children […] Read more…

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There is this game that business people in the social media world like to play. It’s a follow for a follow or like for like, but basically, it is this idea that, “hey, I’ll follow your social media pages, if you follow mine!” This is meant to serve in aiding social media growth, making your […] Read more…

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